Monday, 31 March 2014

Adaptation - Woojin Jung

  • This is an adaptation of chapter 12, where Holden rides a cab and has a conversation with the driver. Here, the main character, a KMLA student, rides a call van to get to the 소사 rest area. The call van is only for KMLA students, and many of them frequently use this.

    This afternoon was one of those kinds when you are left with nothing to do, while you still don't want to do anything. It was raining, so no one were outside to ask to go out with even though I wouldn't if there was anyone. Anyway, I wanted to wander around, and get somewhere outside school. I made my mind to go to 소사, although I didn't need to buy something or eat something or do something similar. 

    I called a van, the one that would show up once in a while in weekends and pick up a couple of excited freshmen, or a couple of couples. I didn't want anyone with me. That ruins the atmosphere. Someone else meant some kind of distraction. I didn't want anything to distract me. 

    When I got in the van however, I just fell into some kind of mood to talk with the driver. The driver seemed to have a free mind, and I expected him to enjoy the conversation. His name was Horwitz. 

    "Hey, Horwitz," I said. "You know that rotten smell that seems to come from all directions?" "What smell?" said Horwitz, making an awkward expression. "That smell like fermented pig shit, you know?" "Yeah I know that smell. What about it?" 'You know where it's coming from? I mean like, it must be coming from somewhere outside the school but the sewage system can't be so close like that, but there's nothing that can possibly make some kind of smell in the school...or maybe it might be the food dispenser? or from the dormitory? or...." 

    "Hey, Kid. That smell is pig shit. So why don't you keep your mouth shut." "Yeah, but that's what is strange. Why do we smell pig shit in the school?" "Because, there is pig shit, kid? Don't you get it? We smell it because it's there for us to smell it"

    Horwitz seemed to be somewhat irritated, so I stopped asking for a while. But there must be some kind of solution, or an end to our conversation. "But you know Horwitz, pigs are actually clean animals. They don't leave their shit anywhere. What I think is dirtier is what people do. People do all sorts of smelly things. There must be something hidden about it, like some kind of secret-" 

    The van stopped right then, making a short, sharp screeching sound. Surprised, I froze and watched Horwitz turn around and face me. He put his hand on the passenger seat's sheet and stared into my eyes. "Get out." He said. Before rushing into the foggy road, the driver seemed to say something, probably some swear words. Maybe I shouldn't have left my room. But at least this place doesn't smell.

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