Monday, 6 April 2020

Class Schedule

Class Schedule

Class 1: - Introduction to Salinger and the book. Discussion about controversy (profanity), culture (1940`s Americana), and character (Holden as hero?).

Class 2: - First 50 pages. Discussion about the Hero`s Journey, Character Arc. How will Holden change?

Class 3: - Pages 50-100. Discussion about morality, teenage angst, failure of education.

Class 4: - Pages 100-150. Subjective POV of Holden as narrator.

Class 5: - Pages 150-200. Discussion about sexual themes and character development. introduced.  `Fan Fiction Adaptation` creative writing assignment introduced.  Read several outstanding examples from past students.

Class 6: - Pages 200-224. Wrapping up the book. Compare it to other works and discuss modern significance. Adaptations due.  

Class 7/8: - Summary and conclusion. Discuss why the book has never been made into a film. Discuss why many `insane` individuals seem drawn to the book (Lennon assassination etc.). Is the book as good as people say it is? Evaluation and reflection.  Workshop/share adaptation assignment.  Discuss.

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